text search result off-window (bottom)
by Sven Schreiber
this is not a new bug / odd behavior, but perhaps it's not on the radar
anymore, because it might be a Windows-only thing. It still happens
"often" (not always), that when you search for a word in the script
editor, the window content is moved such that the next match is just in
the next line below the bottom of the window, so not visible without
scrolling further.
This is with recent snapshots and releases, and I think both on Windows
7 and 10.
Maybe tricky to fix, and of course not release-critical.
6 years, 11 months
by Sven Schreiber
following some off-list discussion, I took a closer look at the
'difftest' command. Here are some issues, I think some might be (small)
bugs, others feature requests.
Let's start with the easy stuff, feature requests :-)
1) Can we have a --quiet or --silent switch to access only the $test and
$pvalue accessors in a script?
2) Can somebody later edit Wikipedia to tell the world that gretl has
the Wilcoxon test, too?
3) Could the parametric t-test of differing means in (paired) samples be
subsumed under difftest? (Currently there is no direct scripting way of
performing it, I think.)
OK, now other issues:
Consider first the corner case of all differences zero:
nulldata 10
series x = seq(1,10)
series y = x
difftest x y --signed-rank
which gives a somewhat "Missing values encountered" error.
Next, for a reduced sample n=5 (without ties this time) gretl reports
"Sample too small for statistical significance". However, according to
this page linked from Wikipedia
http://vassarstats.net/textbook/ch12a.html for n=5 there is at least a
5% one-sided critical value (check the last table at the bottom).
Furthermore, for small samples n=5..8, gretl appears to calculate the
ingredients to what is called "original test" in the Wikipedia entry,
namely "two sums of ranks of given sign", denoted by gretl with W+ and
W-. However, the actual test statistic (according to
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilcoxon_signed-rank_test) is "the smaller
of" those. But gretl never calculates that minimum-statistic explicitly,
and never records it in $test. Here's an example:
nulldata 10
series x = seq(1,10)
series y = -x
smpl 1 8
difftest x y --signed-rank
eval $test # gives NA wrongly
eval $pvalue # understandable that this is NA
All this was with the --signed-rank option, don't know what happens in
detail with the other difftest variants.
7 years, 2 months
small bug: bogus output after incomplete entry in test calculator
by Sven Schreiber
just a tiny thing:
Go to test statistic calculator, check "use variable from dataset",
leave H0 field empty (erroneously), and check "show graph".
The correct error dialog says "incomplete entry", but then more stuff
wrongly happens.
7 years, 2 months
Multivariate spectra in gretl
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
This is a call for help: I've finally managed to package in a semi-usable
state the functions I have for multivariate spectra of time series. I have
_not_ put the package onto the official repository yet because I don't
think it's ready for production use. For example, documentation is in a rather
dismal state.
It would be very very nice if time-series savvy people could install the
package and try things out. In order to do this, open a console and type
install http://www2.econ.univpm.it/servizi/hpp/lucchetti/gretl/ghosts.zip
and the "ghosts" package will appear in the list of available packages.
Any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
7 years, 2 months
frequency plot, arguments defined by variables, correlations icon
by Schaff, Frederik
Hello dev-team,
just a few comments/observations I wanted to share with you:
- an option where multiple (up to 3, e.g.) distributions can be plotted in the same window would be nice.
- an optional --max command would be nice (if comparing different distributions visually, it is good if they have the same scale.
Of course, I can do both manually, but it might be something useful in general.
arguments defined by variables:
For the above scenarios, I often calculate the minimum and maximum in a set of functions and based on this the width as (max-min)/21. It would be nice if one could directly use these variables with data as input. Instead I have to use sprintf WIDTH = width and then string substitution "--binwidth=@WIDTH". If I were in a loop (correct me if I am wrong), I could instead use $width
And then a final remark:
- It would be nice if the size of a dataset would be checked first, when someone clicks on the "correlations" icon. Otherwise, in large datasets, this can lead to long waiting times... or the need to shut down gretl without having saved anything. Something like a pop-up with a warning if one continues, or the like, would be nice.
Kind regards
7 years, 2 months
Nice to see Gretl updated on Fedora 26
by Hélio Guilherme
I just got a notification of update for Gretl on my Fedora 26.
[image: Inline image 1]
Please excuse my Portuguese ;)
A big thanks to you, master developers, and rpm maintainers.
7 years, 2 months
fresher images / icons (Helio?)
by Sven Schreiber
Hi everybody and Hélio in particular,
what actually happened to the project some years ago to get a more
"modern" look into gretl with new icons? It would really be nice to have
"clearer" and more iconic icons.
7 years, 2 months
built-in function candidate
by Allin Cottrell
In the course of some recent experimentation I found it useful to
have a built-in function to "flatten" an array of matrices to one
big matrix, and I enabled such a function in my working copy of the
gretl sources.
The function in question takes as argument 1 an array of matrices
and as argument 2 either "hcat" or "vcat": in the hcat case the
member matrices are concatenated horizontally (which requires that
they all have the same number of rows); under vcat they're
concatenated vertically (requiring a common number of columns). In
either case a hansl function could be written quite easily to do the
job, but a built-in function is likely a good deal faster.
Anyway, my particular need for this function has passed but I was
wondering if others would find it useful. If so I can add it to git,
if not I'll quietly retire it.
7 years, 2 months
Why a separate 'hausman' command?
by Sven Schreiber
one of these questions that could have been asked years ago:
The 'hausman' command does a very specific thing, namely test a _pooled_
OLS specification in panel data. In contrast, the better-known Hausman
test of RE vs. FE, and also that of OLS vs. IV/TSLS is automatically
done if applicable.
Why then isn't the Hausman test after pooled OLS done automatically as
well? And related: Why are there no $test and $pvalue accessors after
the 'hausman' command? (At least it's not in the doc.)
My preference would be to deprecate the 'hausman' command, do the test
of the pooled specification automatically, and extend the $hausman
accessor to that case.
7 years, 3 months