  • 11 participants
  • 18 discussions
text search result off-window (bottom)
by Sven Schreiber
6 years, 11 months
Bug (?) in hi-freq lag counting of midas
by Sven Schreiber
7 years, 5 months
Bug in princomp() (?)
by Sven Schreiber
7 years, 7 months
trivial GUI issue (plot button)
by Sven Schreiber
7 years, 7 months
gretl's CSV reader and categorical data
by Allin Cottrell
7 years, 7 months
gretl main webpage
by Allin Cottrell
7 years, 7 months
GUI tweak
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
7 years, 7 months
question-mark bug fixed
by Allin Cottrell
7 years, 7 months
Installing -gretl- chokes on build dependencies step
by Clive Nicholas
7 years, 7 months
foreign script editing
by Summers, Peter
7 years, 7 months
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