text search result off-window (bottom)
by Sven Schreiber
this is not a new bug / odd behavior, but perhaps it's not on the radar
anymore, because it might be a Windows-only thing. It still happens
"often" (not always), that when you search for a word in the script
editor, the window content is moved such that the next match is just in
the next line below the bottom of the window, so not visible without
scrolling further.
This is with recent snapshots and releases, and I think both on Windows
7 and 10.
Maybe tricky to fix, and of course not release-critical.
6 years, 11 months
Why a separate 'hausman' command?
by Sven Schreiber
one of these questions that could have been asked years ago:
The 'hausman' command does a very specific thing, namely test a _pooled_
OLS specification in panel data. In contrast, the better-known Hausman
test of RE vs. FE, and also that of OLS vs. IV/TSLS is automatically
done if applicable.
Why then isn't the Hausman test after pooled OLS done automatically as
well? And related: Why are there no $test and $pvalue accessors after
the 'hausman' command? (At least it's not in the doc.)
My preference would be to deprecate the 'hausman' command, do the test
of the pooled specification automatically, and extend the $hausman
accessor to that case.
7 years, 3 months
'end outfile' instead of 'outfile --close' ?
by Sven Schreiber
this is a trivial syntax question/request: Wouldn't it be natural to
introduce 'end outfile', similar to all the other blocks with 'end'?
(Perhaps also get some script indentation in the block, but that's a
separate and maybe more controversial thing.)
7 years, 4 months
Midas syntax, small issue
by Sven Schreiber
I have just revisited a Midas script of mine, and when I saw something like:
midasreg dep const ownlag; mds(dIP, 0,4, 1, theta)
I was scratching my head and asked myself, OK what on earth was that
specification again? Gretl's Midas doc of course reveals that the "1" in
there means "normalized exponential Almon", but this is really not user
friendly I dare to say.
I suggest that instead of an integer code there should be string aliases
like "nexpAlmon" (and e.g. "u" for unrestricted, "Almon", "betalast0",
Would that --or something similar-- be doable?
7 years, 4 months
dataset browser: add type/structure information
by Sven Schreiber
I repeatedly find myself looking in the built-in dataset collection to
open a dataset with a certain structure (e.g. for testing, or for
teaching). I find it hard to locate for example a panel dataset with T >
N. Couldn't that kind of information be displayed in additional columns?
(So far I see only "File" and "Summary" there.)
7 years, 4 months
updating R and gretl preferences: path to R
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear all,
Today I tested a function
to check R installation
To this end I uninstalled R
On installing R again I
noticed on CRAN today have started
R 3.4.2
In gretl preferences I have found
that Command to launch R detected
the new version but
Path to R.exe and Path to R library did not
System: Windows 10
As the result Start GNU R in menu worked
but foreign language=R did not (before
manual corrections)
7 years, 4 months
A way to read RData files in gretl
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear All,
During the recent times
there were several threads
on importing RData files into gretl
The attachment contains a function
to open RData files in gretl
In contrast to the native foreign
importers it requires R installed
(not a strong requirement, at least
on linux, since R is included into
dependencies list for building gretl)
creates somefile.csv from somefile.RData
outputs the full path to somefile.csv as a string
require installing 'csv' R package beforehand
file_name = R_to_csv(/home/path/somefile.RData") #
file_name = R_to_csv("Disk:/path/somefile.RData") # Windows
open @file_name
you can run 'eval file_name' before running 'open @file_name'
It is OS-dependent Tested on Linux and Windows
Not tested on Mac
Hope this will be useful for some people
7 years, 4 months
Fail to install gretl (missing mkbin.c)
by Hélio Guilherme
Here I am again with a problem on building gretl-git.
This time it fails at make install. Below is the final part:
for f in ../doc/tex/gretl-ref-a4.pdf ../doc/tex/gretl-guide-a4.pdf ; do \
if test -f $f ; then cp -fp $f /usr/local/share/gretl/doc ; fi ; done
cp -fp ../COPYING /usr/local/share/gretl/COPYING
make -C bcih install
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/helio/github/gretl-git/share/bcih'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'mkbin.c', needed by 'mkbin'. Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/helio/github/gretl-git/share/bcih'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:65: install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/helio/github/gretl-git/share'
make: *** [Makefile:85: install] Error 1
Is there anything I can do on my git file structure?
I can't tell the moment it started to fail, I am sure it installed before
on this upgraded system (to Fedora 26).
This is my configuration:
MPICC=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpicc ./configure --enable-svg
--enable-build-doc --with-gsf --with-mpi --with-mpi-lib=/usr/lib64/openmpi
--with-mpi-include=/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64 --with-odbc --with-libR
--enable-quiet-build --enable-build-addons --with-libsvm=/usr/lib64
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7 years, 5 months
Snapshot broken? (or regression)
by Sven Schreiber
I have a prototype function package here (might as well attach it) which
runs fine under the snapshot dated August 17th, but fails with today's
This is on 64bit windows 7. "Runs fine" means the included sample
script. This particular package uses MPI, I have no idea whether that's
the cause, or whether it's some totally unrelated thing (haven't run
other test codes). I don't know, either, which is the first snapshot
between August and today which starts failing.
7 years, 5 months
by Sven Schreiber
I stumbled across Glade (https://glade.gnome.org/), and especially the
statement "interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using
the GtkBuilder GTK+ object these can be loaded by applications dynamically".
Could this be usable in gretl development as well? What I mean is for
example that ideas about new windows could be communicated with such
files created with Glade. (But have never used it so far.)
Or perhaps even as a future part of function packages to specify their
own windows?
Dreams, dreams,....
7 years, 5 months