bandwidth default for nadarwat()
by Sven Schreiber
the doc for nadarwat says: "a popular choice is n^-0.2". Why not make
that the default value officially, such that the third/final arg becomes
6 years, 8 months
text search result off-window (bottom)
by Sven Schreiber
this is not a new bug / odd behavior, but perhaps it's not on the radar
anymore, because it might be a Windows-only thing. It still happens
"often" (not always), that when you search for a word in the script
editor, the window content is moved such that the next match is just in
the next line below the bottom of the window, so not visible without
scrolling further.
This is with recent snapshots and releases, and I think both on Windows
7 and 10.
Maybe tricky to fix, and of course not release-critical.
6 years, 11 months
packages: no-dataset-ok but still error about no dataset?
by Sven Schreiber
I'm a bit confused about the situation with the package FEP (current
version). We specified no-dataset-ok and the info window of the package
(1.3) says "Data requirement: none". However, when I "execute" the
package from the listing window I get an error window "Please open data
file first".
This does not happen with other packages that don't need a dataset.
However, FEP specifies a GUI main function, and the other packages don't
seem to do that (e.g. extra.gfn, corresp.gfn), so maybe that's the
7 years
matrix elementwise truth
by Sven Schreiber
the following examples give different results (different shapes)
depending on whether '<' or '.<' is used. Not sure whether this is
expected or a bug.
eval I(3) < 1
eval I(3) .< 1
eval ones(3,1) < 1
eval ones(3,1) .< 1
7 years
extension of new linesplit() function?
by Sven Schreiber
in git I see that a new function linesplit() is coming: "Returns an
array of strings, one per line in the argument"
Could this get a second optional argument that would override the
newline character for splitting? In extra.gfn we have a very similar
(hansl) function sepstr2arr(): "Transforms comma-separated string to an
array of strings. (The comma as separation character can be overridden
with the sep argument)"
So linesplit(mystring, mysep) would be equivalent to
sepstr2arr(mystring, mysep) and the latter could be retired after
release. Only the comma default would be "lost", but I think that's OK.
7 years
unstable Windows snapshots!
by Allin Cottrell
I've just realized that the Windows snapshots put in place over the
last couple of days are problematic, in particular the 64-bit version,
with potential crashes on start-up in debugging mode, and in
initializing R support. Sorry about that!
I think these things are now fixed in the very latest snapshots; if
people could test that would be very helpful.
7 years
Communication with R
by Artur Tarassow
Dear all,
I am facing the following problem. I am calling via the
foreign-environment R-code from inside gretl/hansl, compute some
matrices and use the gretl.export() function to export these matrices.
This works fine even though the terminal gives me the note "To use Rlib,
the variable R_HOME must be set" (more on this below).
Next, but within the same session, I want to call an R-function which is
called by some gretl function I've written. However, I obtain the error
The symbol 'R.cvglmnet_R' is undefined
*** error in function glmnet, line 40
This is due to the fact, that R_HOME doesn't being set properly even
though the path to the R library is set correctly (on Ubuntu 17.10 it's:
However, in case I open gretl via the terminal by
at@atdesktop:~$ R_HOME=/usr/lib/R gretl
I can call the R.cvglmnet function properly. HOWEVER, in this case I
obtain the error:
Error in gretl.export(sdy) : could not find function "gretl.export"
External command failed
To sum up: I can't do both things at the same time :-/
Any hints on this? I am using Ubuntu 17.10 (it also happens on 17.04)
using current the git version of gretl.
7 years
Bug with matrix-in-bundle as pointer arg
by Sven Schreiber
function void checkp(matrix *hey[null])
print "yo"
end function
bundle b = null
matrix = {}
gives a funny error with BMEMB being not allowed.
This is with a January snapshot.
7 years
info window for add-ons
by Sven Schreiber
looking under Help->Check for addons... we get a window with the list
and status of available addons. Then right-clicking on one of them and
choosing "info" a very rudimentary info window is shown, with just the name.
In contrast, the info name for a plain (non-addon) function package is
much more informative. I think addons should get the same treatment.
7 years