Strings not marked for translation
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
Today I find two strings that are not marked for translation:
"variable 8 (explicativas): non-numeric values = 200 (100,00 percent)"
"allocating string table"
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months
Gretl: internet domains
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
I'm thinking a lot about creating a Gretl domain for the Portuguese website. Today I discovered that this could be simple (and cheap!). I would like to create the<> or<> (but IMHO the<> is a better choice), assuming all the costs, of course.
The<> is cheaper and easier to register than<>, but has a .com indicating something commercial. The<> needs some legal documentation. The .org is the simplest to register.
Why use a domain? I think it would be easier to users remember our internet address and look a little bit more professional (unfortunately a lot of our users don't know what Sourceforge is :)). Important: I really don't think Gretl is not professional! I just saying that we could improve public perception about that.
Additionally I've been thinking about creating an email adress with one of these domains. Why? Today I use an email address from the University where I did my PhD and I would like to stop this. I could use my new professional email (from Brazilian Ministry of Finance), but I think we shouldn't associate Gretl with anything more commercial (we are free and open source :)).
What do you think?
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
Enviado de meu OnePlus
6 years, 7 months
Developing Gretl... Using Gretl!
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
I made a simple code to help me translating Gretl's help (functions and
commands). It analyzes "gretl_functions_pt.xml" and "gretl_commands_pt.xml"
comparing them with the English version.
The main reason to write it is to facilitate the translation task (Hélio,
could you take a look), to try string manipulation using Gretl's
capabilities and... Having fun :-)
Where it "excels" :)
(1) It shows newly introduced functions/commands.
(2) It shows deleted functions.
Where it fails :(
(1) To use it the translator has to maintain the exactly number of lines
inside the function/command entry as the English version.
(2) If the changes in English doesn't alter the number of lines in a
function/command entry it does not capture the change.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months
assignment to series in bundle
by Sven Schreiber
apparently a leftover of non-working nested assignment:
bundle b = null
series sout = normal()
series b.s = normal()
sout[5] = NA # works
b.s[5] = NA # "invalid left-hand expression"
This is with git from June 23rd.
6 years, 7 months
MPI issue
by Marcin Błażejowski
simple script:
set verbose off
mpi --send-functions --np=$sysinfo.mpimax/2
scalar mpisize = $mpisize
loop for i=0..mpisize --quiet
if $mpirank == i
printf("I'm node no. %d in loop 1\n", $mpirank)
loop for i=0..$mpisize --quiet
if $mpirank == i
printf("I'm node no. %d in loop 1\n", $mpirank)
end mpi
Why the first loop works and the second one does not?
Marcin Błażejowski
6 years, 7 months
setinfo issues
by Marcin Błażejowski
simple code:
set verbose off
nulldata 50
string desc = "This is something about my foo series"
series foo1 = normal()
series foo2 = normal()
series foo3 = normal()
setinfo foo1 --description=desc
setinfo foo2 --description="This is something about my foo series"
setinfo foo3 --description=@desc
So, why:
1. the first one works, but result is unexpected?
2. the second one works perfect?
3. the third doesn't work at all?.
6 years, 7 months
accessing element-of-bundle-in-array
by Sven Schreiber
the below fails on a current snapshot.
bundle foo = null
matrix m = {1,2}
# user guide example:
string s = "matrix 1"
foo[s] = m # matrix is added under key "matrix 1"
# now wrap this into an array
bundles bb = defarray(foo)
# try to access the string inside (fails)
eval bb[1][s]
6 years, 7 months
full file paths display on Windows
by Sven Schreiber
in recent snapshots I'm seeing the phenomenon that the full paths of the
file (instead of just the names) are displayed, e.g. in the tabbed
script editor.
Pretty sure it's new, and not sure it's intended.
6 years, 7 months
set list in array
by Allin Cottrell
I can't find it now, but I think Sven posted a comment not so long ago
about setting a list within an array. IIRC the point was that the
following did not work when it seemed like it should:
open somedata.gdt
lists LL = array(3)
LL[1] = 1 2 3 # incompatible types error
Anyway, the intent was indeed that this should work, and now in
today's git it does.
6 years, 7 months
bandwidth default for nadarwat()
by Sven Schreiber
the doc for nadarwat says: "a popular choice is n^-0.2". Why not make
that the default value officially, such that the third/final arg becomes
6 years, 7 months