defbundle parsing
by Sven S
the following line works, but shouldn't it fail due to the trailing comma?:
bundle b = defbundle("a",1 ,)
4 years, 1 month
exists() vs. inbundle()
by Sven Schreiber
I'm wondering what the value added of 'inbundle' over 'exists' is. In
principle both check for the existence of an object and return a type
code if yes.
I know that currently where inbundle(b, "m") returns 0 because m isn't
there, exists(b.m) instead yields an error. But I guess that could be
changed if wanted.
And vice versa: inbundle(a, "x") yields an error if there is no bundle
a, whereas exists(a.x) just returns 0. But are those differences really
by design or just by historical coincidence?
4 years, 5 months
weird extra line in output
by Sven Schreiber
here's a more-or-less minimal example that under specific circumstances
the restrict block --although silenced-- produces an extra empty line in
the output. This can be a problem when those things accumulate in a
loop. The blank line occurs between "hello again" and "and another" with
the latest snapshot here.
open denmark
set verbose off
print "hello"
vecm 2 1 LRY LRM --rc --silent
print "hello again"
b[1] = 0
b[2] = 1
end restrict --full --silent
print "and another"
4 years, 7 months
package creation: incomplete check for 'label'?
by Sven Schreiber
I've noticed (with the latest snapshot) that it is possible to create a
function package without the "label" field in the spec file although the
"menu-attachment" field is given. This leads to the failure of the menu
attachment. The failure itself is understandable, but I'm wondering
whether this mistake (of the package writer) could be caught at the
creation stage? Part of the DTD check?
4 years, 7 months
crash with running script in the background
by Sven Schreiber
with the snapshot from two days ago I get a crash when a long-running
script is active in the background (GUI script editor), and then
fiddling around in the function package windows.
I think this is similar to a report a while back (some months?).
Actually I was kind of (pleasantly) surprised that I could click around
so easily while the script was running. The script had loaded and was
calling a contributed package, too.
Cannot be more specific right now, sorry.
4 years, 7 months
MPI overlooked syntax error
by Sven Schreiber
the following with an unmatched "endif" does not throw an error:
end mpi --np=2
Strangely, without the "--np=2" option the error appears...
4 years, 7 months
errorif() and funcerr() problems in MPI
by Sven Schreiber
here's another vague report: I'm having problems in an MPI block when I
try to use errorif() or funcerr() in function form, in the sense that
execution is aborted. If I replace that with a lengthier variant with an
if block and a funcerr command it works.
I wasn't able to produce a minimal example yet, in the simple examples
errorif() apparently works fine also within MPI.
4 years, 7 months
by Sven Schreiber
here's a reproducible crash with snapshot from June 23rd on Windows:
- ran a sample script via the GUI script editor (from CSDpanel)
- close the plot window that is automatically opened
- run the same script again (do not close the script output window before)
- close the new plot window
- click in the script output window and/or hit the page-down key
Then gretl is terminated. I wasn't able to get debug output because the
shell output window goes down with it.
4 years, 8 months
documentation of the set command
by Sven Schreiber
is there any other place except the (built-in) command reference where
all the options of the set command are listed? I think having a tabular
representation would be good, also in the user guide (perhaps a new
appendix?). I'd be happy to help.
4 years, 8 months
very minor drag-and-drop interface issue
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, this is on Windows:
- have a window with the code view of a gfn package open
- drag an .inp file from the file explorer to that window; the cursor
shows a "+" icon, as if it were allowed to drag/add that file
- nothing happens (as it should), because the code view window is not an
editor window
expected: the cursor should just remain as a simple arrow
4 years, 8 months