andreas.rosenblad(a) schrieb:
If it is a missing feature, please do implement it, so that the the
combined expression X = 1 & Y = 2 can be used for matrices
I'm not against that feature, but note that you can do for example
((x=1).*(y=2) = 1), or ((x=1)+(y=2) = 2).
A second bug or missing feature: I want to initiate a matrix with missing
values, where some cells with missing values will later be replaced with
non-missing values. I got the following result when trying to initiate a
matrix with missing values:
? A = {NA, NA; NA, NA}
Generated matrix A
? A
A (2 x 2)
1.7977e+308 1.7977e+308
1.7977e+308 1.7977e+308
This may actually be correct, according to floating point representation
of NAs (not 100% sure out of my head). Maybe it should be printed
differently, however.
Fourth, I have a suggestion and possibly feature request: To check that a
variable is discrete, accoriding to the User's Guide gretl currently checks
that all values are integer multiples of 0.25 and that the variable takes
on a “fairly small” set of distinct values, where “fairly small” is defined
as less than or equal to 8. Would it possible to use a more exact method?
For example, I use
if sum(foo-int(foo))=0
discrete foo
I don't understand; for example how would a discrete series with 0.5,
-0.5, 0.5, .... turn out as discrete with your formula?