On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I guess it has to do with the backslashes on windows, especially the
'\"' that comes out in the end (this time in German, but still evident):
? print "@userdir"
? string jojo = "@userdir "
Saved string as 'jojo'
? string jojo = "@userdir"
Syntax-Fehler in Befehlszeile
But I'm afraid the trailing space cannot be used as a workaround
in many cases. Actually AFAIK Windows can also digest forward
slashes internally as path separators...
Internally, yes, but I don't think
command.com can handle them.
Maybe the solution is, when parsing a string definition, to treat
a trailing \" as if it were \\" (\" could never be a valid
ending for a string literal).