On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I'm trying (for a shiny new function package) to add a graph to
the icon view/window within a function context.
Example (with denmark.gdt):
function void myfunc(list mylist)
testgraph <- gnuplot mylist
end function
list mylist = LRM LRY
But this isn't working, it's only saving the gnuplot commands to
a .plt file, as if the "testgraph <-" part weren't there.
I understand that the inner scope of a function isn't supposed
to affect the outer scope; however, I think the functionality
would be useful. But I admit it's probably difficult to get this
right conceptually, or isn't it?
I'll have a think about it. But to push the question back: Do we
want functions to be able to do this sort of thing? (That is,
create named objects in the user's personal namespace without
getting the user's explicit consent in the form of assigning a
return value.) The question is not mean to be rhetorical; I'm not
sure what's right here.