On Mon, 9 Feb 2009, Talha Yalta wrote:
Nobody has replied to my latest email from Saturday. Jack has not
a word on this. He is the one who opened the discussion and I am sure
he is aware of my messages. Noone except Allin proposed a project or
commented on the ones that I have proposed. This is rather puzzling to
You know, Talha, people happen to have lives :-)
I'm going back to your 7/2 proposal:
1)- C library for various file filters
2)- Enhancing the gretl database server
3)- Adding more statistical distributions
4)- Improving the NIST test suite function
5)- Adding confidence bands plots
and I could add
6)- Improving function packages management (more on this later)
On (1) to (5), I'm with Allin. While (1) and (2) are doable, (3) is IMO
not worth attempting, at least for now: for statistical distributions we
rely ATM mostly on netlib. The R guys have their own code, and GSL is yet
another independent implementation. I don't see huge advantages in
standardising on one, plus it would be boring and complicated at the same
time. I don't find (4) and (5) particularly exciting, so of course I'm not
against them but it's not something I'm eager to spend any time on.
(6) is probably something feasible and IMO worth doing. At the moment, we
manage function packages from within gretl, which is a neat solution when
packages are few and little. However, the present solution is not IMHO
well suited for more complex contributions. What I'd like to see is
something similar to R's library mechanism. Outline:
a) we set up a sourceforge project called gretl-packages or so
b) function writers upload to sourceforge tar.gz or zip archives, whose
internal structure is well defined. I'd abandon our custom-made xml
structure in favour of an ordinary archive which contains subdirectories.
c) we introduce a gretl command (which could well be modelled after R's
install.library() command) which takes care of connecting to sourceforge,
downloading the bundle and uncompressing it in the proper place. Of
course, a GUI interface could be added as well.
For example: suppose that I wrote a package implementing (say)
multivariate GARCH models. I'd produce an archive mgarch.tar.gz containing
the following subdirs:
src/ (with the actual functions)
examples/ (with a few example scripts and datasets)
doc/ (with pdf or tex documentations files)
guihook/ (with xml descriptions of the GUI-callable functions)
Then, I'd upload the tarball to sourceforge. The user would
a) open gretl
b) issue the command (say) "library mgarch --install". This would download
the package from sourceforge and unpack it into a suitable subdirectory of
his local tree (say, /usr/local/share/gretl_packages/mgarch/). Of course,
there would be a GUI equivalent.
c) issue the command (say) "library mgarch". This would "include" all
files in /usr/local/share/gretl_packages/mgarch/src/ and create an
"mgarch" entry somewhere in gretl's GUI menu.
d) use the functions and complain about the bugs :-)
This seems doable, in a reasonable timespan, by someone with little prior
knowledge of gretl's internals and would be IMO a nice improvement in the
way 'outsiders' could contribute.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche