On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, andreas.rosenblad(a)ltv.se wrote:
5. Create a new boolean command isdiscrete() to check if a series or
contains only discrete values, with outputs 1 if it is discrete and 0
Fourth, I have a suggestion and possibly feature request: To check that a
variable is discrete, accoriding to the User's Guide gretl currently checks
that all values are integer multiples of 0.25 and that the variable takes
on a “fairly small” set of distinct values, where “fairly small” is defined
as less than or equal to 8. Would it possible to use a more exact method?
For example, I use
if sum(foo-int(foo))=0
discrete foo
The condition on which a variable should be considered discrete is an
issue that has popped up several times, and I think that in the end there
is no answer that is always right: ultimately, it depends on the context.
For example, in some settings I'd be more willing to consider as discrete
a variable which contains the 3 possible values {0, 0.123456, 1} than one
containing all possible non-negative integers.
A possible solution is that the user writes his/her own function to
determine if a variable should be treated as discrete, uses said function
to MARK the variable as such via the discrete command and from that point
on relies on the "discrete" flag. Note that some generated variables are
flagged discrete by construction, such as those produced by the "dummify"
A patch is attached, which defines the isdiscrete() user-level function.
In accordance with the above, no calculations are made: the function just
returns 1 if the variable has been marked as discrete by the user. I
haven't committed this to CVS as I'm not sure if there's consensus on the
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche