Dear Allin,
When iterations are finished with no convergence
for arima .... -nc without exogenous variables
arima should compute minimal abs. root
if it is less than 1.05 , rather than give an
error message it should output the
estimated, supplied with warning of
the following types:
(i) bad root(s)
(ii) bad gradient norm
(i) bad root(s)
(ii) bad tolerance
(i) bad root(s)
(ii) bad gradients
(iii) bad tolerance
In all cases of --nc non-convergece
I have encountered only cases 1) and 3)
Every time the final parameter values
had 4 or more same digits with --x-12
and better final loglik
So, no risk: no changes when it worked good
2 minutes of coding
Robustness, supplied with clear bad roots
5 for max grad norm is very good in almost cases
but for arima --nc it is also somewhat ad hoc
Scaling by 10^6 or 10^-6 is not exotic:
$1 and $10^6 units; one human being or
1 mln people unit etc
This can change final norm values by
several dozens times
One's more:
2 minutes of fork
No risk
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