Bar graphs
by Talha Yalta
I was teaching someone how to use gretl for research and while showing
the various plot options, the first thing she noticed and asked about
was whether it is possible to have "bar graphs". I think it would
really be useful if we could select "bars" among the various line
types such as points, impulses and steps. This would really open up
for some very nice looking plots involving combinations of lines and
vertical bars especially useful for time-series analysis.
"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
16 years, 1 month
small bug
by Sven Schreiber
today I compiled a fresh cvs version after some time of not updating
gretl, and by pure coincidence I found that if I estimate a
Prais-Winsten regression and then select the new modify model menu item,
I get some starting lines from the de.po file in the new dialog window.
I'm running gretl in German, and I haven't translated the "modify model"
entry yet.
This doesn't seem to happen when estimating other types of models such
as plain OLS.
cheers and "Guten Rutsch" (happy new year's eve)
16 years, 1 month
crash with the panel model with random effects
by Ivan Sopov
Hello, when I am trying to build a panel model with random effects either
from the gui or console gretl crashes. I haven't found any bugreports in the
list about panel models for version 1.7.9 I'm using gretl on windows XP.
It happens only with the supplyed data - it is actually not for that
specification, but crash is not the right behaviour too...
Ivan Sopov.
16 years, 2 months
"Revise specification" model menu item
by Allin Cottrell
Brief follow-up to my mesage of yesterday: I'm not sure that the
string "Revise specification" is quite right for the new menu item
I mentioned. I suppose this could suggest that the action will
modify the model you're looking at (i.e. the model in whose
display window you select the item), which is not the case.
The true intent of this item is, "Create a new model from a
revised version of this one's specification", but that's obviously
far too verbose for a menu string.
Can anyone suggest a better short string, or are we OK with what
we have? Would "New model..." be better?
16 years, 2 months
Default web browser
by Talha Yalta
Upon clicking the gretl website link in the about window, I got a
message regarding the unavailability of "mozilla" so I had to change
the web browser program to "firefox." Since most people are now using
firefox, shouldn't the default web browser be firefox?
Also, how can I add an url in my translation to be used in the about window?
"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
16 years, 2 months
CVS news
by Allin Cottrell
A few things to report:
1) Jack has added Interval regression, the shiny new "intreg"
command. It's documented and in the GUI and has an example
2) I've just done something that was requested a while back,
namely enabled the "restrict" command for nls, mle and gmm.
Please test and report any misbehavior!
3) I've added accessors $Fstat and $chisq which retrieve the
F-stat or chi-square test for overall fit from the last model.
(Most model types have an Fstat but no chisq; the exception
is the limited-dependent variable models logit, probit and
There will be a few new translatable strings in connection with
intreg; I'll update gretl.pot shortly.
16 years, 2 months
respecifying a model
by Allin Cottrell
I've now completed an implementation of the option Sven requested:
there's a new menu item under Edit in the model window menu,
"Revise specification...". (CVS and Windows snapshot.)
What it's supposed to do: Open a suitable dialog box (depending on
the sort of model -- ordinary single-equation, NLS/MLE/GMM,
VAR/VECM, simultaneous system -- and/or the estimator used) which
contains a "clone" of the original model specification, ready for
you to revise.
This was quite tricky in some respects and it may not all be right
yet. It's _supposed_ to respect original lag selection and
any options chosen for the original model. Please let me know if
it fails to do so in some cases.
Implementing this for models saved in session files has required
some additions to the set of information saved with models. By
intent these changes are backward-compatible. In addition --
hopefully -- if gretl can't get all the info it wants from older
session files the "Revise" option will degrade gracefully, i.e.
the clone specification may not be exact, but shouldn't be too far
Note that by the design of the gretl model dialog (which is
estimator-specific) you can't use this mechanism to estimate "the
same specification" as a previous model but using a different
estimator. But you might get an approximation to this if you
"prime" the model dialog by re-estimating the old specification
using "Revise", then open the model dialog again. Some aspects of
the dialog are "sticky" and will persist across choices of
16 years, 2 months
CVS Configuration Settings
by Henrique
I'm setting a CVS client (Xcode) and it isn't working fine. The
configurations that I'm using are as follows:
CVS Settings
Name - gretl
Root -
Method - ext
Host -
Path - /cvsroot/gretl
Port - 22
User - ch_andrade
Password - ********
Tool - /usr/bin/cvs
What's wrong?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
16 years, 2 months
Gretl on Apple website
by Henrique
Dear gretl developers,
Why don't you submit gretl to the downloads session of the Apple's
homepage? I think that this could help to expand the gretl user's
community. What do you think?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
16 years, 2 months
feature request anniversary
by Sven Schreiber
Dear devel folks,
I just noticed that three days ago an open feature request on the
tracker had its first birthday! Happy birthday to request 1833159, which
by pure coincidence was posted by myself on November 16th, 2007.
But seriously, the request is about "add[ing the] ability to modify an
existing model". The idea was to be able to re-open a saved model and
for example add another lag or perform other modifications, as in other
programs. Essentially this would mean to have a button or menu entry in
the model window, which would open the relevant model specification
dialog with the input fields already filled in with the values of the
saved model.
I think one year is enough time to think about the issue in the sense
that if the actual workers/coders don't like it then we could close the
request as "wontfix" or something like that, or else set some sort of
target, as in which upcoming version the feature would start to appear.
16 years, 2 months