"NA" revisited
by Allin Cottrell
Following discussions between Jack and myself, here's a sort of
"RFC" for changing the internal definition of "NA" in gretl, which we
believe can be done with full backward compatibility.
Little PDF attached.
6 years, 6 months
Translation question
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
I'm a little bit confused about that line in po file:
'%s' shadows a function of the same name
I think it is saying that the user is naming an object with the same
name of an already defined function. Am I right?
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 6 months
Function reference issue: mcovg
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
The equation for "mcovg" function has a problem. The equation is not
exhibited properly. Unfortunately I don't know how fix it :(
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months
Gretl identified as a malware
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
I really don't know if this is a big deal, but the Symantec Endpoint
security solution is blocking Gretl's installation identifying it as a
malware (Windows 7). The only way to install (or update) is restarting
Windows in safe mode. Please take a look at the attached files.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months
series in bundles
by Allin Cottrell
I've had my head down in dbnomics stuff lately (informative posting
to come before long), but I noticed in passing some comments/queries
about series in bundles. I'm afraid I've lost the references but
I'll post on the topic in general.
The thing to remember is that bundles are just a transport mechanism
for series. You can't "really" have a series in a bundle, since
series belong to datasets and bundles know absolutely nothing about
datasets; you can only have the ghost of a series.
A "series" in a bundle has a status akin to a soul being rowed
across the Styx by Charon, with the difference that it is possible
to regain the living side under the right circumstances (the
ghost-series is extracted into a conformable dataset).
6 years, 7 months
function suggestion: copy to bundle
by Sven Schreiber
I've noticed that in a lot of hansl code many lines are spent on copying
stuff into bundles, and I wonder if that could be made easier. What I
have in mind is something like the function below, which would be called
for example like this:
copy2bundle(b, defbundle("m", mymatrix, "s", mystring, "m2", anothermatrix))
However, perhaps a built-in gretl function would be better and less
clumsy. For example, the input wouldn't have to be wrapped in a
transitory bundle and still the number of arguments to copy would be
(BTW: 'getkeys' is not syntax-colored.)
Opinions, endorsements?
function void copy2bundle(bundle *btarget, bundle bin)
n = nelem(btarget)
strings oldkeys = getkeys(btarget)
# easy approach first:
btarget = btarget + bin
# check if we missed something
if nelem(btarget) != n + nelem(bin)
# need to go into detail
matrix match = {}
strings inkeys = getkeys(bin)
loop i=1..nelem(inkeys) -q
loop j=1..nelem(oldkeys) -q
if inkeys[i] = oldkeys[j]
match |= i
# process what we found (copy with overwrite)
loop k=1..nelem(match) -q
string s = inkeys[match[k]]
btarget["@s"] = bin["@s"]
6 years, 7 months
Strings not marked for translation
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Allin,
Today I find two strings that are not marked for translation:
"variable 8 (explicativas): non-numeric values = 200 (100,00 percent)"
"allocating string table"
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months
Gretl: internet domains
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
I'm thinking a lot about creating a Gretl domain for the Portuguese website. Today I discovered that this could be simple (and cheap!). I would like to create the www.gretl.org.br<http://www.gretl.org.br> or www.gretl.com.br<http://www.gretl.com.br> (but IMHO the www.gretl.org<http://www.gretl.org> is a better choice), assuming all the costs, of course.
The .com.br<http://com.br> is cheaper and easier to register than .org.br<http://org.br>, but has a .com indicating something commercial. The .org.br<http://org.br> needs some legal documentation. The .org is the simplest to register.
Why use a domain? I think it would be easier to users remember our internet address and look a little bit more professional (unfortunately a lot of our users don't know what Sourceforge is :)). Important: I really don't think Gretl is not professional! I just saying that we could improve public perception about that.
Additionally I've been thinking about creating an email adress with one of these domains. Why? Today I use an email address from the University where I did my PhD and I would like to stop this. I could use my new professional email (from Brazilian Ministry of Finance), but I think we shouldn't associate Gretl with anything more commercial (we are free and open source :)).
What do you think?
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
Enviado de meu OnePlus
6 years, 7 months
Developing Gretl... Using Gretl!
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
I made a simple code to help me translating Gretl's help (functions and
commands). It analyzes "gretl_functions_pt.xml" and "gretl_commands_pt.xml"
comparing them with the English version.
The main reason to write it is to facilitate the translation task (Hélio,
could you take a look), to try string manipulation using Gretl's
capabilities and... Having fun :-)
Where it "excels" :)
(1) It shows newly introduced functions/commands.
(2) It shows deleted functions.
Where it fails :(
(1) To use it the translator has to maintain the exactly number of lines
inside the function/command entry as the English version.
(2) If the changes in English doesn't alter the number of lines in a
function/command entry it does not capture the change.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 7 months